The Rantings and Ravings of a Crazy Book Lady.

Book Rants/Reviews

Below are all of the works that I have ranted about or reviewed so far. Click the title to be directed to the original post.

There's a complex system for the organization below. (I like making things more complicated that they need to be. It's a gift.)  In ABC order: Genre > Sub-genre/description > Author's last name > Title(for multiple works by same author). Also, titles may be listed in multiple genres/sub-genres as I feel necessary.

Rating System: There is a four-star system that corresponds to my "Princess Reads A Lot" book rating system. Full explanation here

**** = Princess Reads A Lot absolutely LOVES this book!
*** = Princess Reads A Lot LIKES this book a whole lot!
** = Princess Reads A Lot isn't too sure about this book.
* = Princess Reads A Lot didn't like this book AT ALL!

Fiction: African

Fiction: Children's

 Fiction: Dystopian

Fiction: Family Drama

Fiction: Historical (USA)

Fiction: Individuals with Special Needs/Disabilities

Fiction: Latino

Fiction: Mystery/Suspense/Thriller

Fiction: Native American

Fiction: Young Adult


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