The Rantings and Ravings of a Crazy Book Lady.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Nicknames for Favorite Authors

Does anyone else have affectionate nicknames for some of their favorite writers? No, just me? Damn.

Below is a list of nicknames I have for some of my favorite writers (I'll add to the list as I think of more):

William Shakespeare becomes Shakes, W. Shakes, Willy Shakes, or Will McShake Shakes depending on the day of the week or what mood I happen to be in.

You know... Shakes was kind of attractive in a middle-aged, slightly balding up top kind of way. And the 'stash is very nice.

Nicholas Sparks is Nicky Sparks, or Sparkie.

Nicky ain't so bad looking either. I'm weak against eye crinkles!

James Patterson is J. Pat or J. Patty or Pats.

Great tortured writer look, Pats!

Nora Roberts becomes N. Robs or Nory.

Looking Nory, looking good!

In case you're wondering . . . yes, I do sometimes utter these nicknames aloud in public or to friends.

1 comment:

  1. Love the nicknames! My favorite would have to be Sparkie! lol

    Is it sad that the only person that I've read on this list is William Shakespeare? (A must read OF COURSE!) But none of the I need to get on that.
